jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010


These two concepts have something in common, both people have to go abroad looking for new opportunities. But it is here where begins the difference between them. Migrants seek for better conditions of life, in terms of socio-economic issues. Because they are not well-prepared, their aspirations are limited to basic and non academic jobs, only to earn the enough money to live. On the other hand, the expatriates have superior academic studies and skills. The majority of them are executive people who require to improve their knowledge and to bring back better strategies to their companies, in order to succeed as professionals and make their company grow.

The following is a video which shows a case about migrants and expatriates in Malasia and Singapore. The global crisis made people lose their jobs, some of them had to return to their homes but other ones are still struggling to stay there.

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010


My personal opinion about immigrations is positive and I agree that they can occur, as long as they do not affect the national identity and do not bring legal nor economic problems for the host country. I think that each country should foment at first, the education and the economic and social welfare of its inhabitants. In that way, it can avoid that those professional people who have superior capabilities, leave their home country and help other nations to be more powerful. And therefore, it could also have the opportunity of being improved and developed by its own society.


Canada passed from being a country totally closed for immigrations to being one of the countries with the greatest flow of immigrants. The main reasons that support this statement are:

1. Its rigid immigration protectionism, because this country in the 19th century, allowed white people only from specific regions such as Americans and Britons.

2. Its cold climate and its isolated location from the rest of the world, caused that almost all countries looked for other destinies to immigrate. They tried to find: better life quality, good jobs and cultural similarities (local people behaviors).

3. Since the 20th century, Canada became the most demanded country by the immigrant people, because of its new flexible immigration policies and the necessity of young, skilled and apt people to work and who could also help to develop the Canadian society, in economic, politic, social, cultural and scientific terms.

Nowadays, Canada is still promoting foreign people to immigrate to its country, for the same last justification mencionated previously.

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010


"Each organization have an specific culture, and depending of her force, she can have a significative influence on the attitudes and behaviors of the organization members" (Stephen Robbins, 2005).

The corporate culture must be constant and long-term. But also, all members need to have well-defined and coordinated functions, otherwise it would never exist an organized structure neither an efficient communication inside the company.

Some factors that help to change the culture could be: internal crises; leadership exchanges; young organizations (at the beginning); a weak, fragmented or diversified culture, and also when exists a high index of confidence in the leadership.