miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010


It has to be recognized the importance of Den Xiaoping in the liberalization of China´s economy. He was in charge of the free trade improvement of his country. He wanted China to become a powerful nation, so he began to implement a mixed economy, extracting the best strategies exposed by the socialism and the capitalism. Also, he focused on the economy evolution of the nation in four main aspects: the agriculture, the industry, national security, technology and science. Besides that, he made a political reform and opened China´s market to the world. The last upgrade was materialized in projects such as seaports and special zones to trade.
As mentioned above, those developments economic mechanisms enabled this Asian country to sign international agreements with power countries, that increased its own economic force too until present day.
Although this influential figure is mortal like any other human being and is no longer with us, will be eternal for the indelible mark he left on the magnificent development of his country and citizens.

Image from http//:www.nodulo.org/ec/2004/img/n030p25d.jpg

1 comentario:

  1. Lina, History has a lot of perspectives. It is true that China, Chile, and other countries may have a better economic condition nowadays than before...but how many lives is that position worth it? one thousand? one million? How many people died a caused of these leaders? Is not there another possibility to achieve development?
