jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010


I liked the whole course. I enjoyed all the activities done during the semester. It was dynamic and different from other courses that are only theorical.
I only recommend for the following courses that the oral presentations should be shorter because some groups do not make them so interesting, and other classmates loss the interest to attend them.
Gina, I wish you success in future courses.
Thank you!

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010


This is a Mexican Company with operational presence in 18 American countries. Its services are focused in telecommunications, mainly in wireless communication.
Mexico and Brasil are the major markets. The first one operates under the name Telcel, and the second one by Claro. The last brand works also in Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.
In Colombia also has the biggest portion of the mobile communication market through the name Comcel.
Other countries with America Movil existence are: Salvador, Guatemala, Panamá, Nicaragua, Perú, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Republica Dominicana, Jamaica, Honduras and off course, United States.
The number of mobile users are around 182 millions, and it also has fixed lines in Central America and the Caribbean, there are 3,8 million of them.

It is important to mention this company because its major shareholder Carlos Slim, besides being currently the world's richest man, he has been brought forward this company and he has positioned itself as one of the largest in the telecommunications sector. For that reason is essential to highlight some of his thoughts and strategies that led his business to success.
  • His decision to buy and improve the performance of other companies and of the state monopoly.
  • His way of life, simple, prudent and without luxuries.
  • The importance to start from scratch and from small businesses in order to diversifed its portfolio of services (Nowadays he owns not only America Movil but also the Inbursa Mexican Bank, the conglomerate Carso Group -includes a hotel network, industrial and construction firms, among others).
  • His extensive knowledge not only in the field of business but also in the philanthropic, cultural and even in sports, has made him an integrity man who can manage its diverse and powerful companies in the best possible way as he has done until now.

According to the information mentioned above, all the companies that belongs to the Latin American region should adopt these practices to carry them to success and to a continuous growth. This would not only benefit themselves but also their own country, excluding more and more the inequalities that plague most countries in Central and South America.


El Colombiano (2010). Carlos Slim, la disciplina es su clave, from Elcolombiano.com.co Website: http://www.elcolombiano.com/BancoConocimiento/C/carlos_slim_la_disciplina_es_su_clave/carlos_slim_la_disciplina_es_su_clave.asp

Portafolio (2010). Conozca a Carlos Slim, el hombre más rico del mundo, from Portafolio.com.co Website:http://www.portafolio.com.co/economia/economiahoy/ARTICULO-WEB-NOTA_INTERIOR_PORTA-7405067.html

America Movil, Business News Americas (2010). Telecommunications Company Profile, from Bnamericas.com Website: http://www.bnamericas.com/

You Tube (2010). Carlos Slim Helu takes No. 1 spot on Forbes World´s Billionaires 2010, from Youtube.com Website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-sXbuMHLEE


I made comments in the following blogs:

1. Angela María Alvarez Osorio: http://angy8813.blogspot.com

2. Damián Cardona Montoya: http://damian-oyc.blogspot.com
3. Carlos Andrés Lozano Carbonell: http://internationalbusiness-carloslozano.blogspot.com
4. Diego Alejandro Silva Zapata:
5. Laura Soto Hernández: http://laura-sotoh.blogspot.com

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010


I think that is useful but not enough to say sorry to the minorities for many reasons. One of them is because actual generation of people has to be aware of what happened during the period of social exclusion and discrimination, whether of minorities, aborigins or different social groups; in order to avoid the same treatment for those people. Another reason could be the support that almost the majority of those communities need, they have to be understood, to be protected and respected by everybody without any exception. Their customs, beliefs and practices have to be valued and appreciated, not been violated nor excluded by the "modern society". And a finally argument is because since they don´t perturb our lives nor our traditions, we have to respect them and to promote legislations that defend their rights and the inclusion in the nation development.

They belong to our territory and to our history, so why do we have to eliminate them? They also contribute to our economy, to our national identity, so let´s not forget them, instead let´s educate, support and integrate them into our civilization politically, economically, socially and culturally!!


Trade unions appeared as a response of workers to the worst effects of the Industrial Revolution. The first ones were established in Western Europe and the United States in the late 18th and early 19th century as. As the industrial system was developing, many people left the countryside to look for jobs scarce in the major urban centers. For that reason the trade unions were created. At first, they were persecuted by their leaders and the governments, because they were considered as conspiracy groups and also as an obstacle to the full economic development lived at that time. But then in the 19th century, after many legislation procedures and the emerge of new laws, the trade unions were benefitiated and began to be stronger.In Latin America, trade unions came out in the late 19th century.

Nowadays, in Europe trade unions are represented by a formal institution called the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) founded in 1973. Its main purpose is to accomplish agreements through collective bargaining with employers. The issues for this kind of negotiation is much more than the simple negotiation of working hours and wages, reflecting the growing complexity of industrial societies, the greatest strength of the unions and the increasing demands of the workers. This entity ensures the growth and the sustainability of the european economy, of its companies and employees.

On the other hand, the Colombian trade unions are managed in a different way. The State controls the majority of them in terms of the negotiations, the worker´s interests and the new creation of regulations for the employees. There are many trade unions in the country, particularly the stronger are the trade unions of the state enterprises, national, departmental and municipal ones. Similarly, the Colombian constitution and labor law, protect the right of association through the legality of the trade unions and industry.