martes, 4 de mayo de 2010


Trade unions appeared as a response of workers to the worst effects of the Industrial Revolution. The first ones were established in Western Europe and the United States in the late 18th and early 19th century as. As the industrial system was developing, many people left the countryside to look for jobs scarce in the major urban centers. For that reason the trade unions were created. At first, they were persecuted by their leaders and the governments, because they were considered as conspiracy groups and also as an obstacle to the full economic development lived at that time. But then in the 19th century, after many legislation procedures and the emerge of new laws, the trade unions were benefitiated and began to be stronger.In Latin America, trade unions came out in the late 19th century.

Nowadays, in Europe trade unions are represented by a formal institution called the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) founded in 1973. Its main purpose is to accomplish agreements through collective bargaining with employers. The issues for this kind of negotiation is much more than the simple negotiation of working hours and wages, reflecting the growing complexity of industrial societies, the greatest strength of the unions and the increasing demands of the workers. This entity ensures the growth and the sustainability of the european economy, of its companies and employees.

On the other hand, the Colombian trade unions are managed in a different way. The State controls the majority of them in terms of the negotiations, the worker´s interests and the new creation of regulations for the employees. There are many trade unions in the country, particularly the stronger are the trade unions of the state enterprises, national, departmental and municipal ones. Similarly, the Colombian constitution and labor law, protect the right of association through the legality of the trade unions and industry.

2 comentarios:

  1. I personally don’t think that trade unions here in Colombia are controlled by the State, is more that they are losing a lot of power these organizations, because for some people they have the mentality that Unions are left oriented and can cause many problems, but what their main purpose should be is to look for the development of better work conditions for the employees and the sustainability of jobs and companies.

  2. I think that Colombian Trade Unions can't be compared to European ones, because local ones are not interested but in their own benefit, no caring about the effects that their requirements could have in the other economical agents involved in the economy. It may be one of the basis of negotiation issues when related to minimal wage.

    Legally, workers are protected by
